The Millard-Edward Group name was inspired by our founder’s two grandfathers, James Millard Brown and James Edward Collie. They were both successful businessmen who worked hard to achieve their goals, while also caring deeply about their communities.
James and Dorothy Brown worked hard to establish the Strathburn Dairy in 1944, a family farm and dairy nestled on the edge of Almonte, Ontario. Brown was a master breeder, with both Guernseys and Holsteins. The stone home and property is still in the family, although it is no longer a functioning dairy. One of their grandsons and his family still live there today.
Jim and Gene Collie lived a town away. Jim became President of the family business, Collie Woollen Mills Ltd., a textile manufacturing company . He expanded the business into Almonte, Perth and Appleton, Ontario. It was the largest employer in the region and reached as far away as India, in its heyday. The Collie family home is now The Old Mill Manor in the village of Appleton, Ontario.
Both families found meaning in helping the community - whether serving on Boards, helping establish community infrastructure and historic sites, welcoming new immigrants, and volunteering with local clubs.
Coming from a tight knit family, we saw their dedication to family, work and community. Their vision and their values of hard work and relationship-building in their respective family businesses, and their commitment to their community, are honoured at the Millard-Edward Group.
We have a small and dynamic team, plus a host of additional people and resources we can bring on board, depending on your needs.
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